Freight Auditing

A Freight Audit will uncover FedEx & UPS refunds you deserve.
Nessco recovers 10% (average) of your shipping spend.

Freight invoices dated before 10/08/2024 are no longer eligible for freight audit refunds.
Freight Auditing has a 15-day window to audit freight for UPS & FedEx refunds.
Nessco freight auditing is the best shipping audit solution!

Submit your basic contact info below for a no obligation free consultation of our auditing services.

Freight Auditing will conduct a thorough shipping audit on each and every one of your parcel shipments, apply for shipping refunds, and confirm that you get the maximum FedEx refunds and UPS refunds you deserve for your parcel shipments. If your freight bills and parcel shipping invoices are not being audited by Nessco, then you are losing money. No other Freight Auditing company will get you more shipping refunds via a thorough electronic and manual freight audit than Nessco.

Need proof that we're the best in the industry? No problem! Just give Nessco a call 732-695-3230 and we'll even perform a second audit on an already audited invoice by any competitor to prove that we're the best company in the freight auditing industry, and will get you the most refunds from your freight bill and shipping invoice!

Easy Auditing Process

It's simple! Just contact Nessco Freight Auditing, provide us with some basic shipping account information regarding your parcel shipments, and our freight auditing services will take care of the entire shipping audit from start to finish.

Maximum Refunds

With great care and expertise, we electronically and manually audit every parcel shipment in each invoice to find mistakes and erroneous charges to get you the highest possible shipping refund for your parcel shipments.

No Commitment

Nessco's freight auditing services work for you on a month to month basis so there's never any commitment or risk on your part - you just enjoy the shipping refunds for your parcel shipments, no strings attached.

Personal Auditing Service

In addition to using the most advanced software technology in the industry, Nessco's freight auditing team also manually audits every parcel invoice, resulting in greater personal service and maximum shipping refunds.

How Freight Auditing Works:

1. Sign up for Nessco's Freight Auditing Services

Contact Nessco today to start the freight auditing process on every one of your parcel shipments, and get the shipping refunds you deserve. 732-695-3230.

2. The Shipping Audit

We carefully audit through every parcel invoice and fight for the shipping refunds you deserve for your freight and parcel shipments.

3. Receive Shipping Refunds

Once Nessco has completed the freight auditing process on your parcel shipments, your shipping carrier company will issue directly to you the parcel shipping refunds that we've worked hard auditing for you.

Testimonials: Freight Auditing Services


Nessco Freight Auditing guarantees to reduce your overall UPS and FedEx shipping costs by auditing for parcel shipping refunds due to you through invoice errors and incorrect freight charges.

Easy. Nessco does all the work.

There’s no effort on your part – Nessco does everything while you just enjoy the shipping refunds. You only ever pay a percentage of the actual refunds we have already helped you receive through our Freight Auditing services.

Thorough. Nessco doesn't miss a thing.

Nessco's highly experienced shipping auditing experts comb through every parcel bill to deliver maximum shipping refunds. We never give up until we are satisfied with the refunds we have secured for you.

Personal. Nessco audits manually.

In addition to electronic freight auditing, Nessco manually audits each and every one of your shipping invoices to give our customers a unique personal service experience, resulting in maximum shipping refunds.

Guaranteed. You never lose, only gain.

Nessco guarantees a maximum shipping refund through our freight auditing services. If you're ever not satisfied with the shipping refunds you are receiving, then you can just cancel anytime. No strings attached.

If Nessco isn't performing a freight audit on every one of your parcel shipping invoices and freight bills to get you the FedEx refunds and UPS refunds that you deserve, then we're BOTH losing money!

Let's start the freight audit!

We've all been there - reading through a shipping expense report and wondering to ourselves: "Is this accurate?" Companies receiving their small parcel shipping invoices often find themselves wondering, “Wow – there’s so many pages, so many shipments, domestic, international, express, ground, so many charges, so many details – this is completely overwhelming! How can we possibly know whether or not these charges are excessive, erroneous, or inaccurate throughout this lengthy invoice? Who can remember all the intricate details of all these shipments! How can we possibly know whether or not we're over-paying for these shipping services? What do all the details regarding every shipment mean? Companies do so much shipping for business every day, week, month, and year that the erroneous and excessive costs can completely destroy the profit margin! We’ve heard about shipping refunds for late deliveries and other reasons, but how can we actually claim those refunds? Who do I call? Which shipments should I claim? Will my shipper just give me the refunds if I ask them for it? Will I have to explain and prove that I am owed the refunds? Will it be a hassle for every single refund? Am I limited as to how many refunds I’m allowed to receive per invoice? What else am I entitled to as per my contract agreement with my shipper? Am I even getting the best rates available to me? How can I re-negotiate my contract? Should I hire someone as an accountant for my company’s shipping invoices, so I can receive freight auditing refunds? Will that accountant even be experienced enough to handle my shipping invoices? Can I figure out a way to get these refunds myself and save money on another employee? Where do I begin? How can I get this done within the 15 days allowed by FedEx and UPS to file a claim for freight auditing refunds? How can I learn about all the exceptions that FedEx and UPS enforce in order to get away with applying freight auditing refunds? Am I in over my head? I really don’t have the time, money, energy, patience, or attention right now for all this! I just want and NEED to focus my attention on my business and succeed without feeling like there’s a hole in my pocket due to erroneous shipping charges which is directly hurting my profit margin! How can I rectify this without spending money (a lot of money) on accounting services? My company needs help, immediately!”

Well – if you can relate to any, most, or even ALL of these feelings and thoughts regarding your company's pricey shipping invoices, then today is your lucky day! Allow me to clear your mind and brighten your day! Introducing: Nessco Freight Auditing services – a phenomenal collection of services that will provide you with the freight auditing services to obtain the shipping refunds you deserve! How much will these services cost your company? There is absolutely no initial up-front charges for using Nessco's auditing services – your company will only ever pay a percentage of the shipping refunds that Nessco will claim, obtain, and secure for you. Money that would have otherwise been lost. That’s it! Nessco will do everything to make sure you are paying the absolute best price for your shipping services.

The industry average for Freight Auditing Refunds is currently only 2%-5% off of your shipping invoices. Nessco’s Freight Auditing services records an average of 5% to 10%+ for all of their hundreds of clients on every shipping invoice! For over a decade, Nessco had been building their reputation as the best and most knowledgeable and efficient in the freight auditing refunds industry. What’s Nessco’s secret? Well, it’s really simple. While most Freight Auditing companies only track, monitor, and claim freight auditing refunds electronically by using software that they either developed or leased, Nessco Freight Auditing takes it to a very meaningful step further. After auditing invoices electronically, our highly skilled team of auditors then re-audit the entire invoice manually, combing through every detail to ensure that every client is receiving the highest possible freight auditing refunds for their shipping charges. Nobody else in the industry works as hard or as thoroughly as Nessco! You will never pay Nessco by the hour or even a flat salary – Nessco only charges a percentage of what you would have paid anyway to your shipper! Found money! Every day, month, year, we save hundreds of companies thousands of dollars – now is the time to get the freight auditing refunds you deserve!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Call Nessco today and allow them to prove to you how much you stand to gain from their freight auditing refunds services! 732-695-3230 – don’t delay, sign up today!